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Easy. Tasty. Gluten Free
Yes, they do go together.

Marne Platt
Oct 20, 20223 min read
Thanks but no thanks
3 Foods I don’t miss in my gluten-free life Have you noticed all the posts in celiac and gluten-free support groups from people pining...

Marne Platt
Oct 6, 20223 min read
Baking Disasters: My Favorite Gluten Free Fails
Falling cakes. Forgotten ingredients. Even the best chefs have kitchen disasters. Julia Child may be remembered for introducing French...

Marne Platt
Sep 22, 20223 min read
Highlights From 2022's Summer of Gluten-free Travel
2022 was my get out and travel again summer. COVID under control, family issues handled, and it was time to reclaim my life. For me, that...

Marne Platt
Sep 8, 20223 min read
What's the Best Place to Buy Gluten-free Flour?
Buying gluten-free prepared treats is expensive. Cookies, cakes, and muffins that are safe for celiacs can cost up to 183% of the cost of...

Marne Platt
Aug 25, 20222 min read
Traveling Breakfast Cornbread
Versatile, filling and delicious, cornbread and corn muffins are a staple in my kitchen all year round. My Easy, Tasty, Gluten Free...

Marne Platt
Aug 11, 20221 min read
Chimichurri Chicken Breasts: Summer With Zing!
Summer time…the living is easy but the cooking is hot, hot, hot! That’s why I love my grill in summer. This week, I made a Chimichurri...

Marne Platt
Jul 28, 20221 min read
Veggie and Nectarine Summer Salsa
Summer is the time for fresh fruits and vegetables, with their bright colors, crisp crunch and mouth-popping flavors. All summer long,...

Marne Platt
Jul 14, 20222 min read
Easy Summer Salmon Skewers
A fast, light, and delicious grilled summer dinner I love summer, don’t you? Long sunny days that you can enjoy after work is finished....

Marne Platt
Jun 30, 20224 min read
Choosing the Right Flour for Your Gluten-Free Baking
There is no way around it: most baked goods are based on wheat flour. And that’s the root of our problem. No wheat, rye, spelt or other...
1 comment

Marne Platt
Jun 16, 20224 min read
Traveling While Celiac: A Gluten-Free Weekend in Brussels, Belgium
Beer. Waffles. Frites (never French fries). Chocolate. Traveling while celiac is possible, but is there any fun to visiting Belgium if...

Marne Platt
Jun 3, 20221 min read
Crunchy Tangy Fennel-Mango Salad
Today was the first really warm day of the year. Finally, it was warm enough to open all the windows and eat dinner on the balcony...

Marne Platt
May 20, 20224 min read
Gluten-Free Dating: What's A Single Celiac To Do?
For most of us, finding love is an important part of finding happiness. We want someone to share our hopes, dreams, successes, and even...

Marne Platt
May 9, 20221 min read
Easy, Tasty Gluten-Free Pancakes!
I admit, I don't eat a normal breakfast. I prefer starting my day the way most people finish it: meat, starch, and vegetables. Leftover...

Marne Platt
Apr 22, 20221 min read
Easiest Rotisserie-Style Chicken Ever!
There's something about chicken. In the oven, on the rotisserie, on the grill...the smell and the taste say "warm hug from Grandma" for...

Marne Platt
Apr 8, 20222 min read
What's for Dinner? My Easy, Tasty Gluten Free Apricot Chicken
Another busy week night. I am so tired - and starving too! What can I make that's fast, easy and delicious? If you've ever had that...

Marne Platt
Apr 3, 20222 min read
What Can You Do? Celiacs and The War in Ukraine
I've written before about gratitude and celiac disease. Now, with a war in Europe and refugees literally outside my door, stable celiac...

Marne Platt
Mar 30, 20222 min read
The Celiac Project Podcast: Chatting with Cam and Mike
I am excited almost beyond words to share this news! I am on the March 30, 2022, episode of The Celiac Project podcast with Mike...

Marne Platt
Mar 24, 20222 min read
Company's Coming!
Three delicious, impressive and easy gluten-free cakes you can make Despite having a wealth of easy and delicious recipes at my...

Marne Platt
Mar 10, 20222 min read
Hamantaschen: Yay! Haman: Boo!
Meet my favorite cookie - no chocolate included As spring approaches, I am once again looking forward to Purim, a holiday that absolutely...

Marne Platt
Mar 3, 20222 min read
Creating new Gluten-Free Recipes Part 2: Clementine Cupcakes
A delightful balance of tasty and sweet, these cupcakes can be topped with vanilla or cream cheese frosting or enjoyed unadorned Another...

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